Robby Lee Williams headshot

Robby Lee Williams

Robby Lee Williams is a dancer and theater performer who is coming into the third year of his disability. He has trained and performed with Tango 21 Dance Theater and has been overjoyed to join Momenta Dance Company since 2019 to continue his dance journey. He is looking to join his poetry and adaptive dance in a way that is meaningful and moving.

Featured Artworks

  •  Two dancers in wheelchairs, side-by-side, gripping hands while one is tilted on one wheel
  •  A multiracial Black and Mexican-American man with curly black hair balances on the back wheels of a wheelchair
  •  A split screen image on the left with a tattooed white woman standing with arms braced against a brick wall, and on the right a multiracial Black and Mexican-American man leaning his wheelchair against the seemingly same wall's opposite side