Alexander McLean Project: It's All About Love
Throughout my career it has been my privilege to collaborate with many of Chicago’s most accomplished and respected artists. My long and fulfilling relationships with such organizations as the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, The Chicago Jazz Orchestra, Orbert Davis’ Chicago Jazz Philharmonic, and The Metropolitan Jazz Octet have both challenged and inspired me to explore new musical directions and, hopefully, achieve new musical heights that I would not have otherwise reached. Now I feel it’s time to express another dimension of my musicianship. In collaboration with lyricist/arranger John McLean and a collection of some of Chicago’s finest musicians, I’ve assembled a project based on my original compositions: The Alexander McLean Project. My mentor and dear friend Light Henry Huff always used to tell me to “think outside the box.” Well, here it is, and “It’s All About Love.” All proceeds from this campaign will go towards financing the production and release of this recording. We are sincerely grateful to all who are able to assist in bringing this music to fruition. Thank you so much.
About This Project
This all begins with the influence of my mother, Margaret Washington. I am thankful and blessed that she pointed me down this path to music. My destiny. Growing up on the westside of Chicago, my life was always bustling with music, sound, community, and an energy that fed my interest and built my character. It hasn’t always been easy, but I’m so glad that I can say the hardships were minimal. I developed a love of my community, neighborhood, and city through the music I was exposed to, and that love still harbors in my heart to this day.
I have some stories to tell and now I’m ready to share them. With age and experience come wisdom and courage. There was a time when I wouldn’t dare dream of opening up and sharing my innermost thoughts in conversation, or in music for that matter, but now I am not afraid to bare my soul. Now is the time…it’s all about love!
Ever since the first time John McLean came to a gig of mine and asked me to perform at his Toys for Tots charity one Christmas, we have been working together. We eventually formed The Alexander McLean Project. His skillset of lyrics, composition, and arranging melded with my creative thought process and ideas. The end result is magical. We have been performing around the city to breathe life into the music, and gathering the right musicians who share the same love and have the right attitude and musicality to create this music: Steve Million on piano/organ; Jeremiah Hunt on bass; Charles Heath on drums; John McLean on guitar; and myself Dee Alexander as the vocalist. It is beyond the music, because we are friends forming a family through the love of the music!
We have been getting great responses from audiences and that is always encouraging. I believe we are going down the right path, so the next thing is to go into the studio and capture the magical moments that we’ve had in live performance. We are ready and willing to make this happen. It is my duty as an artist to spread joy and love (which we are in need of, in abundance)! Now is the time! It’s All About Love!
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $50Autographed CD ($30.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100Autographed CD plus your name listed as a contributor ($80.00 is tax deductible.)
- $300Autographed CD, your name listed as a contributor, plus 2 complimentary general admission tickets to our CD release party ($240.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500Autographed CD, your name listed as a contributor, plus 4 VIP tickets to our CD release party ($280.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1000Autographed CD, your name listed as a contributor, 6 VIP tickets to our CD release party, plus 30-minute live duo performance at your private event ($180.00 is tax deductible.)

Dee Alexander
Southwest Airlines AwardeeBorn on Chicago’s west side, Dee Alexander is one of Chicago’s most gifted and respected female vocalist/songwriters. Her talents span every music genre, from Gospel to R&B, from Blues to Neo-Soul. Yet her true heart and soul are experienced in …
View Dee Alexander's profile-
Update 1: BRING ON THE STRETCH GOAL!!!Posted on October 29, 2019
I'm thrilled and thankful to let everyone know that thanks to an outpouring of generous donations, I've reached my initial fundraising goal! I'm so encouraged by all the feedback I have been receiving for my current project that I have decided to try for a "stretch goal" of $7500.00 These additional funds will go towards things like mixing, packaging and promotion of our new recording. Once again, my deepest thanks to everyone who has already offered their support and remember.....It's All About Love!!!
Update 2: The Stretch Continues!!!Posted on November 06, 2019Wooohooo! We are stretching and getting closer to the $7500.00 goal. I cannot thank you enough for the outpouring of support. I have the attitude of gratitude! We are stretching until December 3!! Thank you thank you, thank you!!! Will keep you posted!
Update 3: Ooooo! Feel that Stretch!!!!Posted on November 14, 2019Wooohooo! 20 days to go so there's still time! I have the attitude of gratitude!!! I've reached and surpassed the initial goal and there's still time to stretch!!!!!! Thank you to the contributors for your support! It is greatly appreciated!!! Check us out at It's All About Love!!! Thank you.
Update 4: Happy Thanksgiving!!!!Posted on November 28, 2019I have the attitude of gratitude for sure. Time flies so fast so we must cherish every moment. The "Its All About Love" campaign has been extremely rewarding and it is winding down ending in one week. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am still receiving donations and for this I am so so grateful. Looking forward to getting into the studio around the first of the year. Will keep you in the loop. Again, thank you. One week to go wooohoooo!!!!!
Update 5: Thank you so much!!Posted on December 03, 2019This is the last day of the campaign and I cannot thank you enough for your support! It is overwhelming and I am grateful to you and the 3Arts for supporting artists in the Chicago community. I will keep you in the loop on the progress of this project. We are so elated! Stay tuned! Again, Thank You! Dee
Update 6: Checking in...Happy Earth Day!Posted on April 22, 2020I hope this message finds you in good spirits, happy and healthy. So much has changed since my last update and want to touch base with you. There has been a shift that has affected all of us. I am using this time to rest, reset and prioritize the people and projects in my life. This is an opportunity that we may never have again in our lifetime. With the stay at home order in place, mother earth is cleansing, the air is clearer and we are brought together in our dwellings to go inside ourselves to reflect, renew and replenish. With that in mind, I am reminded of those things that are constant...time, change, music and love!! No matter how we feel, no matter how we think, those factors will always exist. I am using the time to complete personal and professional projects that have been pushed to the back burner for obvious reasons (too busy, plate too full, etc) and I know I’m not alone in that department. Attempting to change the way I do things and my way of thinking by being more introspective. While at home , the music is moving through me like a river. Inspired by this pandemic and reminded that although we are microscopic beings in this universal thing we call life, we are all part of the whole. Now I get to a very important part and that’s love. Starting with ourselves. Look in the mirror and love what you see. Realize that you are are the only one...after the key has been thrown away and know it’s difficult to spread love if it does not start with you. Slow down you’re moving too fast.... Ok! Enough of the heavy. Music has come to a halt in the clubs, festivals but has sprung into full force online via Instagram, Facebook and YouTube Live. At first it was difficult to wrap my hair around this platform but now I have been asked to participate in two events. 1. Sunday, April 26 at 10-11 am Mayor Lightfoot’s Art for Illinois Relief on her Instagram account 2. Thursday April 30 Time TBA International Jazz Day Celebration (more into later). We are working diligently on the music for Its All About Love and will keep you posted with updates once the order has been lifted with projected studio time. Until then... Stay well, stay safe and stay in love. -
Jim Gailloreto
Michael Bourdaghs
Beth Seaton
Theresa Griffin
Almarie Wagner
Susan Ward
Judith Stein
Anonymous Supporter
Joan Brown
Anonymous Supporter
Tomeka Reid
Jasmine Kwong
Lauren Deutsch
Michele Thomas
perom uerub
Elizabeth Huntley
Roxanne Brown
Lisa Hodo
Isaac & Ava Stanley
Karyn Nash
Arlene Turner-Crawford
Pippi Ardennia Fentress
Christie Gill
David Gulley
Kathryn Tecza
Melanie Whaley
Karen Crystal
Neil Tesser
Alan Frohlichstein
Ken Scott
Kenneth Burke
Rose Parisi
Thomas Macchione
Jon Satrom
Steven Saltzman
Andre Payne
Janice Misurell-Mitchell
Anonymous Supporter
Joshua Scodel
Diane Gregart
Susan & Ted Oppenheimer
Beverly Perkins
Leah Laurie
Rose Blouin
Loretta Jones
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