The Marshfield Project
"The Marshfield Project" is an experimental site dedicated to exhibiting, collaborating, and exploring the art, ideas, and projects from creative individuals who are not artists but have a passion for the creative process.
About This Project
The Marshfield Project is an experimental site dedicated to exhibiting, collaborating, and exploring the art, ideas, and projects from creative individuals who are not artists but have the passion for the creative process.
Commencing in mid-October, the Marshfield Project will inaugurate a series of exhibitions titled: Fire Keepers. This series of exhibitions will focus on showcasing artwork or projects from people in the Chicago land area, whose focus is to create work outside of their daily routine.
Our exhibition space is composed of a 72 square foot exhibition space with the potential use of the front yard as an extension of space for special projects. We are looking to establish a small venue where we can showcase ART in its rawest and true form, without the inhibitions of a conventional gallery space.
The contributions that we are seeking are going towards establishing the Marshfield Project on a professional level. With your support, we can take the necessary steps in making these first series of exhibitions a success, by providing a small budget for publications and other promotional materials, as well as tending to the special needs of each individual.
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25Name credit in all publications printed for the Fire Keeper series and on any other form of promotional documentation ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50One copy of your choice of the publications made from the series ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100A collection of each publication made: postcards, off set posters and booklets ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250A set of 2 signed limited edition off-set prints by Juan Angel Chavez ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500The set of off-set prints plus a limited edition Tillandsia glass terrarium for your home or office ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1000A special award sculpture by Juan Angel Chavez to commemorate your support ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Juan Angel Chavez
Northern Trust ArtistJuan was born in La Junta, Chihuahua, Mexico, where he lived until 1985. At the age of thirteen, he immigrated with his family to Chicago, where he lives and works to day.
Juan focuses in larger then life sculptures and …
View Juan Angel Chavez's profile-
Update 1: Marshfield Project Funded!Posted on October 03, 2012
We want to express our sincere thanks to everyone who helped us reach our goal. We could not have done with out your contribution. The Marshfield project is well on its way and we are looking forward to opening the doors very soon. We are not planing the exhibition calendar and we should have an update on that in the next following weeks.
Thank you again,
Paul Klein
Anonymous Supporter
Barbara Koenen
Tim Pigott
Chanon Nick Sermchief
zach duenow
Jon Satrom
Nathan Mason
connie grunwaldt
Maria Isabel Chavez
Brenda Ramirez
cody hudson
darlene white
Kathleen white
Emmett Kerrigan
Maria Gray
Margarette Sophia Rodriguez
David Mac-Williams
Jenna Leitner
Anonymous Supporter
Tempestt Hazel
Nancy Fishman
Suzanne Leitner
Allison Quinn
Annie Morse
Rene Cozzi
Fabiola Ramirez
Ana Velazquez
Daniel G Morjal
Lorena Ramirez
Julie Hurckes
Shannon Greve
Thank you to the following for contributing to 3Arts with the recommendation that we support this project.

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