Hold Me, Feel the Weight of Volumes
As a visual artist, I often make work that invites the viewer to witness materials subtly yellowing, wrinkling, and changing with age, much like a living organism does. With this new project, I want to take this practice into another medium by publishing a limited-edition artist book that is predicated on the intimacy of touch and transformation. This is the first time I will make a work like this, but I believe this is the perfect time. Each book will contain a small ceramic vessel, a poem, and the experience of holding. Living through this pandemic, I long for the touch of my friends. I long for the feeling of being held. I hope that the viewer holds this book, reads the poem, lightly brushes their fingers on and around the paint, considers the subtle ridges of my imprinted fingertips, and is reminded that we are connected. Contributions to this campaign will support the design and fabrication costs of this unique, handmade series that I am excited to share with others.
About This Project
For years I have worked with ceramic vessels. I have installed these vessels in a myriad of ways to be a catalyst for discussion about human connections, body, and touch. For this next iteration, I’m intrigued by the idea of enclosing them in a specially designed artist book that the owner can live with and experience anew over and over.
Fashioned after the idea of ‘catch-alls,’ a reference to precious things that we keep, these vessel-like objects will be placed in a case along with an original poem. The book invites the viewer to have a relationship with the vessel and to witness the paint subtly change over time.
This book is an important next step for me and my installation practice. The vessel in the book acts as a metaphor for a body, the paint is a metaphor for that which we cannot feel, know, or describe, a metaphor for what is transmitted between bodies as we connect with one another. Each of the eight books will contain a hand built ceramic object which will be painted and placed in a book. The pages of the book will be hand sewn and individually carved out. Candor Arts will produce the cover, a box enclosure for the book. Your contribution will allow me to purchase, paper, a kiln, clay, and the cost of collaborating with Candor Arts. My intention is to create an object that can be held, that can be lived with, and that can be a catalyst for discourse and maybe even comfort.
Please help me in expanding my practice by giving to this project.
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25Shout out on social media ($25.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50Your name gratefully acknowledged on my website ($50.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100Handwritten poem signed by the artist plus above ($100.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250Private invitation to join me for a studio visit (virtual if required) for you and 5 friends, plus above ($250.00 is tax deductible.)
- $5004”x 4 ” original, signed drawing plus above ($100.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1000A copy of the book ($100.00 is tax deductible.)

Kellie Romany
Make a Wave ArtistKellie Romany is an abstract artist interested in bodies and systems. Using a color palette of skin tones, Romany creates objects that act as a catalyst for discussion about human connections, race, and the systems surrounding these themes. She received …
View Kellie Romany's profile- No updates yet, stay tuned!
Alicia Race
Jasmine Loney
Fay Cheng
Janice Butler
Arlyne Hoyt
Morgan McDowell
Anonymous Supporter
Meggan Trevey
Gracen Torrence
Christopher Edwards
Callista Hoffman
dedrea gray
Lynne Wiora
Lynne Wiora
Heather Provencher
Candice Stumbaugh
Megan DeMarco
Pooja Pittie
Genielle Burrows
Lisa Lee
Adrienne Tarver
lauren karrenberg
Jemma Jackson
Kevin Zeeck
Meghan Schaefer
Adrien Fairweather
Roz Ellis
Lauren Withers
Elizabeth Lalley
Jan Reichard-Brown
Amanda Dee
Anonymous Supporter
Brit Carlson
John Bylander
Kate Meehan
Caitlin Wagner
Indra Lee-Inniss
Megan Moore
Meryl Haring
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